It’s my birthday, yet I’m forsaken and hungry; this forgotten dog has endured days without a proper meal

Today is supposed to be a day of celebration, a day filled with joy and laughter. But as I sit here, alone and hungry, the contrast is stark. It’s my birthday, yet I feel more forgotten than ever, a shadow among the joyous lights of the world around me. I’m not a person, but a dog—a creature once full of life, now reduced to a memory of what I used to be.

It's my birthday, yet I'm forsaken and hungry; this forgotten dog has endured days without a proper meal

Days have passed since I last had a proper meal. The hunger gnaws at my insides, a constant reminder of neglect. My coat, once shiny and vibrant, is now dull and matted. I long for the gentle touch of a hand, the warmth of a loving home, and the comfort of a full bowl. Instead, I wander the streets, searching for scraps, hoping for kindness from strangers who often overlook me.

It's my birthday, yet I'm forsaken and hungry; this forgotten dog has endured days without a proper meal

As I watch families gather to celebrate, I can’t help but feel the weight of my solitude. Laughter echoes around me, but here I am, the forgotten one—an invisible figure in a world filled with love. On this day meant for joy, I am left to ponder my worth, questioning why I was cast aside.

It's my birthday, yet I'm forsaken and hungry; this forgotten dog has endured days without a proper meal

I think of the days I spent by my owner’s side, the games we played, the walks we took. I remember the warmth of a shared bed and the taste of treats given freely. But those moments feel like distant dreams, lost in the fog of time. I wish I could tell my story, to share my heart with someone who might listen.

I see a child with a cupcake, her eyes sparkling with excitement. I wish for nothing more than to share that moment, to be part of a celebration. Instead, I remain an outsider, watching from the shadows, my stomach empty and my heart heavy.

It's my birthday, yet I'm forsaken and hungry; this forgotten dog has endured days without a proper meal

Yet, in the depths of my despair, a flicker of hope remains. Perhaps someone will notice me, reach out their hand, and offer me a meal. Perhaps today could mark a turning point—a chance to be loved again. I dream of a day when I will no longer be forsaken, when my birthday will mean more than just survival.

It's my birthday, yet I'm forsaken and hungry; this forgotten dog has endured days without a proper meal


As the sun sets, I lie down on the cold pavement, looking up at the stars. I close my eyes, imagining a warm home and a loving family. I may be forgotten now, but I refuse to lose hope. Maybe, just maybe, this birthday could be the start of a new chapter—a chance to be seen, to be cherished, and to finally know what it feels like to be loved.

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