On my birthday, I feel so lonely; as a differently-abled stray dog, I’m hungry and abandoned, with no one to show me love



On my birthday, I feel so lonely; as a differently-abled stray dog, I’m hungry and abandoned, with no one to show me love

Today is my birthday. But unlike the happy, love-filled birthdays others experience, mine feels empty and lonely. You see, I’m not just a stray dog—I’m differently-abled. Life on the streets is hard for any stray, but for a dog like me, it’s even more challenging. I am hungry, abandoned, and forgotten. As I wander through the streets, all I wish for is someone to show me a little love and compassion.

On my birthday, I feel so lonely; as a differently-abled stray dog, I’m hungry and abandoned, with no one to show me love

Life as a Differently-Abled Stray Dog

Living as a stray is never easy, but being a differently-abled stray dog comes with its own set of struggles. I can’t move as easily as other dogs, and finding food or shelter is a daily battle. Some days, I barely make it through without falling from exhaustion. My body is tired, and my heart aches from the loneliness that follows me everywhere I go.

On my birthday, I feel so lonely; as a differently-abled stray dog, I’m hungry and abandoned, with no one to show me love

People pass me by every day, but they rarely stop to notice me. Perhaps it’s because I look different—my legs don’t work like they should, or maybe it’s the way I limp through the streets, trying to keep up. They see me, but they don’t truly see me. To them, I’m just another stray, a dog that no one wants or cares for. But inside, I am just like any other dog. I want to feel love, safety, and the warmth of a caring hand.

On my birthday, I feel so lonely; as a differently-abled stray dog, I’m hungry and abandoned, with no one to show me love

The Pain of Abandonment

There was a time when I wasn’t alone. I remember having a home, a family who cared for me. But everything changed one day. When my body stopped working as it used to, I was no longer wanted. I was abandoned, left on the streets with nowhere to go and no one to care for me.

On my birthday, I feel so lonely; as a differently-abled stray dog, I’m hungry and abandoned, with no one to show me love

Since then, I’ve been wandering, searching for food and shelter, trying to survive in a world that seems to have forgotten about me. The physical challenges are tough, but the emotional pain is even harder to bear. Every day, I wonder what I did wrong to deserve this. All I want is to feel love again, to have someone who will care for me despite my differences.

On my birthday, I feel so lonely; as a differently-abled stray dog, I’m hungry and abandoned, with no one to show me love

A Plea for Compassion

On this day—my birthday—I feel the weight of my loneliness more than ever. It’s hard to keep going when you feel invisible, unloved, and unwanted. I may be differently-abled, but I have the same needs and desires as any other dog. I want to be cared for, to feel the gentle touch of a hand that loves me, and to know that I matter.

On my birthday, I feel so lonely; as a differently-abled stray dog, I’m hungry and abandoned, with no one to show me love

There are many stray dogs like me, dogs with disabilities who struggle to survive because they are seen as “less than.” But we are not broken—we are just different. We still have so much love to give, if only someone would give us the chance.

On my birthday, I feel so lonely; as a differently-abled stray dog, I’m hungry and abandoned, with no one to show me love

A Little Kindness Can Go a Long Way

Today is my birthday, and all I wish for is a little kindness. I may be differently-abled, but I still have so much love to give. Stray dogs like me don’t ask for much—just a little compassion and understanding. You have the power to make a difference in our lives, whether it’s by offering food, helping us find shelter, or opening your heart and home to a stray in need.

On my birthday, I feel so lonely; as a differently-abled stray dog, I’m hungry and abandoned, with no one to show me love

Please, don’t overlook differently-abled stray dogs like me. We are not broken, and we are not less deserving of love. With your help, we can find the care and compassion we so desperately need, and in return, we will give you a lifetime of loyalty and love.

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